There are lots of pretty pleasant chocolatiers in London, who make fantastically tasty chocolate trufles. A few of them put that extra bit of attention in, and only make chocolates made by hand . Others go the extra mile and never add any articifical preservatives in.
Unless you've treated yourself to chocolate truffles that are fresh and made by hand, you won't quite believe the difference. Handmade chocolates mean they've had that extra bit of attention put in.
The other super important part about real chocolate is discovering what the ingredients are. Buy a chocolate bar from any high street shop (or even from some 'chocolatiers' on the high street) and you'll find ingredients such as E-numbers, or flavourings,. I promise you, real chocolate truffles doesn't contain vegetable oil.
Why do cheap chocolate truffles contain vegetable oil?. Because some firms don't really care about taste, and really only care about costs. They want to sell to you the least expensive chocolates they can at the highest price they can.
Cheap oil is used instead of cocoa butter - which is naturally found in real chocolate. The very very very big very very very rich will have calculated that they can remove cocoa butter from chocolate, and sell that for use in cosmetics and face treatments at 5 or 10 times the price of the nasty oil they put back in the chocolate. So removing cocoa butter and replacing with vegetable oil is just a way to get more profit for these big companies. Do chocolate truffles taste better with vegetable oil in?. Try stir a spoon of vegetable oil into a bit of cocoa Taste good? I don't think so.
Why do fresh, handmade chocolate truffles taste so good?.Fresh, handmade chocolates taste so much nicer because there is less inside them, and less is better.